Lake Creek Canyon

A hidden gem of a kayak trip right in Lake Coeur d’Alene.

The access for this most excellent flat water kayak trip is from the Sun-up Bay boat ramp east of US-95 about thirty minutes south of Coeur d’Alene. After launching follow the north shore of Sun-up and Windy Bays pass the girl scout camp and find the entrance to Lake Creek.

At the head of Windy Bay, a small creek enters the lake through an area of extensive cattails and bull rushes.

As you enter the creek you will enjoy the view of the low basalt cliffs.

The creek is navigable for about one and a half miles up stream before it shoals out. For a longer ride extend your trip by staying on the south shore of Windy and 16 to 1 Bays and then crossing Cave Bay so you can land in Mowery State Park, roughly across the main body of the lake from Harrison.

Author: jake idaho

I am retiring after working forty years in the parks and recreation field. I have lived and played in the Inland Pacific Northwest for the past 18 years and would like to share some of the best outdoor experiences I have discovered and hopefully many more ones in the near future.

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